Jc Net Meter

Jc Net Meter 1.1.1907

Image Jc Net Meter 1.1.1907
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  • Developer:

    JC Software

  • OS:

    Windows XP

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Displays the speed of your Internet connection"

Do you want to know at all times the speed both up and down of your Internet connection? Jc Net Meter provides you with such information.

The data is displayed on screen in a very intuitive way, offering you among others the MB transferred and the GB forecasts that are going to be downloaded in a month and even over a whole year. Graphs created automatically by Jc Net Meter can be customized by modifying a series of parameters, thus adapting them to your needs.

The program integrates an ideal chronometer to perform all types of calculations related to transfer speeds.